Animal Skin Processing Plant in Indigenous Peoples' lands, Bardiya


Animal Skin Processing Plant was set to operate in 2015 at bank of Babai River called Jabdighat in Dhadabar VDC, Bardiya district, the ancestral land of Tharu Indigenous Peoples. The plant could have polluted the river and impacted the livelihood and culture of peoples concerned not only in Dhadhabar village but also in parts of the Gulariya municipality and in the Mohammadpur village.

When the company began constructing the necessary infrastructure, the Tharus Indigenous Peoples were started protesting the plant demanding FPIC, information on the adverse impact to human health and environment. The company tried to take support from police force to operate the plant but the communities did not allow the company to operate. Currently, the construction of the plant is halted. LAHURNIP and its Indigenous Peoples Human Rights Defenders have supported the communities to strengthen their advocacy initiatives.